紀錄片:1996《電腦狂的勝利》Triumph of the Nerds


以下內容取自 iGarden部落格文章:

  • 1996年的《電腦狂的勝利》Triumph of the Nerds
  • 1998年的《電腦狂 2.0.1》Nerds 2.0.1
The Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires

「或者該說是無心插柳,原始的創作團隊是業餘的,而現在大部分人也都還是。作者Bob Cringley從他在矽谷的車庫走出,為大家介紹電腦圖片和電腦狂,並述說關於他們不可思議的真實故事。就像該行業本身,該電影系列富資訊性、有趣、直陳而未加修剪。演員包括:比爾蓋茨(微軟總裁,世界上最有錢的人)、史帝夫‧賈布斯(嬉皮的蘋果電腦聯合創始人,NeXT電腦的首席執行長,一個想要改變世界的人),Steve Wozniak(蘋果電腦的聯合創始人,工程學天才,是個愛開玩笑的人)」Amazon.com

“It happened more or less by accident; the people who made it happen were amateurs; and for the most part they still are. From his own Silicon Valley garage, author Bob Cringley puts PC bigshots and nerds on the spot, and tells their incredible true stories. Like the industry itself, the series is informative, funny and brash. Some of the episode participants include: Bill Gates (Chairman of Microsoft, the richest man in the world), Steve Jobs (Hippie co-founder of Apple Computer; CEO of NeXT Computer; and the man who wanted to change the world), and Steve Wozniak (Co-founder of Apple Computer; engineering genius, practical joker).” Amazon.com


  1. Robert X. Cringely (host / interviewer)
  2. Douglas Adams (author)
  3. Sam Albert (former IBM executive)
  4. Paul G. Allen (co-founder, Microsoft)
  5. Bill Atkinson (designer, Macintosh Development Team)
  6. Steve Ballmer (vice-president, Microsoft)
  7. Dan Bricklin (VisiCalc inventor)
  8. David Bunnell (founder, PC World and Macworld magazines)
  9. Rod Canion (co-founder, Compaq)
  10. Jim Cannavino (former head, PC division, IBM)
  11. Christine Comaford Herself (CEO, Corporate Computing International)
  12. Eddy Curry Himself
  13. Esther Dyson Herself (computer industry analyst)
  14. Larry Ellison (founder and president, Oracle)
  15. Chris Espinosa (manager, Media Tools, Apple)
  16. Gordon Eubanks (former head of language research, Digital Research)
  17. Lee Felsenstein Himself
  18. Bob Frankston (VisiCalc programmer)
  19. Bill Gates (co-founder, Microsoft)
  20. Adele Goldberg Herself (former Xerox PARC researcher; founder, PARC Place Systems)
  21. Marv Goldschmitt Himself
  22. Andy Hertzfeld (designer, Macintosh Development Team)
  23. Steve Jobs (co-founder, Apple Computer)
  24. Gary Kildall (founder, Digital Research)
  25. Joe Krause (president, Architext Software)
  26. Bill Lowe (Head, IBM PC Development Team 1980)
  27. Roger Melen Himself
  28. Bob Metcalfe (former Xerox PARC researcher; founder, 3Com)
  29. Gordon Moore (co-founder, Intel)
  30. Dana Muise (founder, Hypnovista)
  31. Doug Muise (software designer)
  32. Bill Murto (co-founder, Compaq)
  33. Tim Patterson (programmer)
  34. Vern Raburn (former vice-president, Microsoft; president, The Paul Allen Group)
  35. Jeff Raikes (vice-president, Microsoft)
  36. Jean Richardson Herself (former VP, corporate communications, Microsoft)
  37. Ed Roberts (founder, MITS)
  38. Arthur Rock (venture capitalist)
  39. Jack Sams (former IBM executive)
  40. John Sculley (president, Apple Computer, 1983-1993)
  41. Rich Seidner (former IBM programmer)
  42. Charles Simonyi (chief programmer, Microsoft)
  43. Sparky Sparks (former IBM executive)
  44. Claude Stern (Silicon Valley attorney)
  45. Bob Taylor (former head of computer science lab, Xerox PARC)
  46. Larry Tesler (former Xerox PARC researcher; chief scientist, Apple Computer)
  47. Mark Van Haren (programmer, Architext Software)
  48. John Warnock Himself
  49. Jim Warren (founder, West Coast Computer Faire 1978)
  50. Steve Wozniak (co-founder, Apple Computer)

今日從這篇《e女i男》 的文章提到這部紀錄片名,就來搜尋一下,首先是得到簡體翻譯的結果:《书呆子的胜利-微软发家史》,但是切換成繁體中文只看到 iGarden網站有提到,使用的是《電腦狂的勝利》,也是現在我們口語在說的宅男宅女擁有電腦技能的稱呼-電腦狂,影片中也是訪問跟電腦的相關發明者為主。而原 iGarden 上面所嵌入的Google影片,現在已經無法觀賞了,所以我又在透過搜尋 youtube的影片,找到了下面這三段影片,時間都比較完整,沒有被分好幾段,所以也直接嵌入在本篇文章方便自己或是各位有興趣的網友來觀賞。

Triumph of the Nerds

(1of3) Triumph of the Nerds: Impressing Their Friends. 1996 Documentary

(2of3) Triumph of the Nerds: Riding The Bear. 1996 Documentary

(3of3) Triumph of the Nerds: Great Artists Steal. 1996 Documentary